OnDemand Yoga is treating me well. I guess my 40-day Yoga Challenge really began THIS week...haha...because I've actually been doing it every day. Yes, this week it is.
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I Googled 'Maura Barclay' who teaches one of the televised yoga sessions: intermediate/advanced. I am absolutely not intermediate/advanced, but I certainly aspire to be so. Maura is a former olympic gymnast, maybe, and a former fire fighter...and now has a center for women's self defense. Powerhouse. It's nice to know that her body isn't only a result of yoga, because I wondered how her muscles got so bulky. And, man, she does the poses with such ease....I cannot wait til I start noticing improvement and strength =D
Let's see, I've also signed up for some races beginning in the spring. A 5k, 8k and 5-mile run. The Northshore Half Marathon is in June...which I'm DEBATING about signing up for, even though my true goal for running a half is not until the Fall. June might be a little premature, especially since my running schedule is basically nonexistent at the moment. Then there's the Chicago Rock n Roll Half in August, and the Chicago Half in September. Hmmm...am I a runner or a dreamer?
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New goal for life.... QUIT SUGAR. Not just the refined kinds, all kinds. I've had a sort of epiphany, if you can call it that. I used to think that dairy really caused my skin to flair up at random and unfortunate times. And while that's still somewhat true (my face literally swells if I eat milk products) -- I think the larger and more dominant culprit is sugar. I may have said this before, and I certainly knew this in the back of my mind. But now is the time to make a more conscious effort to quit the sugar. I didn't exactly stick to that plan during the Candida Cleanse...so now that I'm slowing down and trying not to be as hyper about what I eat.... sugar is the next to get axed.
It's like breaking up with a no-good boyfriend. You know he's bad for you, but you just craaave his attention. Giving in to your heart's desire only worsens the addiction because his grip on you gets tighter still. Til you wake up one morning and hardly recognize the person you've become...how did this happen? You spiral into a bout of denial and sorrow, maybe smoke a few cigarettes or eat some ice cream while you toil with your troubles. Oh if I could only change myself...or turn back time. But really, really...the root of your problems is HIM. Get rid of HIM. LEAVE ME ALONE SUGAR!
Ahhhh ha. Not that I have experience with no-good boyfriends, or sugar.
This post is so what I needed today... I went to yoga over my lunch break, then returned to my desk with a yummy blueberry, cranberry, walnut salad with a small amount of goddess dressing (I say small because I ran out-lol). I was doing soo good today... 2000mL of water, a light breakfast and lunch, yoga, and then it all crumbled as I popped open my secret stash (I say secret because I'm unwilling to share the wealth) of my girl scout cookie collection. These dang sugary, fatty but oh so delicious things are my nemesis this time of year... arg! I should just throw them away or put them on the "free" table for my co-workers to enjoy... but can't bring myself to do it because the 30 seconds of heavenly satisfaction I find when I eat one cookie is too good to give up. SO LAME. This is the last year I buy more than one box. I feel your pain with the break-up with suger.